St. Joseph Christian Summer Care is off to a great start! Students have already enjoyed many special activities and are looking forward to more fun in the future. According to Summer Care Director Cindy Kimsey, “St. Joseph Christian Summer Care is designed to provide quality care, educational opportunities, and recreational experiences within a Christ-centered setting. Each day includes devotions and learning experiences for students entering grades pre-kindergarten through sixth grade.”
SJCS Summer Care is offered Monday-Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The program began May 28th and will continue through July 31, 2019. Enrollment in SJCS Summer Care is currently still open! To inquire about enrolling, send an e-mail to
Enrolled students learn via learning centers as well as indoor and outdoor play. At the SJCS campus children engage in exciting activities such as learning martial arts, spa day (girls), day of Science, bike day, and reading with the Rolling Hills Book Mobile. Off campus activities include trips to a local farm, swimming at the Wathena pool, roller skating, ice skating, trips to the Canned Film Festival, serving at Pivotal Point, fishing at MWSU, and visiting the East Hills Library.
Through these activities, and many others, St. Joseph Christian School helps to build a foundation for future learning by focusing on all ages and areas of development, including cognitive, communicative, fine motor, large motor, self-help skills, and social-emotional development.