Missions Week 2024

Missions Week 2024 at SJCS as come and gone! Each year, we dedicate a week in February to missions-focused activities, chapel each day, class mission instruction, and outreach.
This year, our focus has been on Isaiah 6:8, Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” and I said, “Here am I. Send me.”
Each day, Campus Chaplain Andrew McDonald delivered our message, and our focus has been on exploring the concept of the arrow, in relation to Jesus. He was called a “polished arrow shaft from God’s quiver.” (Isaiah 49:2) The arrow is the MESSAGE of salvation through the perfect and blameless Jesus Christ.
Please join us in thanking God for an impactful week where students received Jesus Christ and learned to share the good news with others.
As we obey God’s call on our lives to share the message with others, may we remember that it is the Holy Spirit that does the work. It is our job to simply obey. (Luke 11:28)