Do you offer a half day program?
Yes, we do. You may choose half day which is from 8:00-11:30. All day is from 8:00-3:00. Half day children do not eat lunch, take a nap, make a craft, or have a second recess/center time as the all day children do.
What does a morning look like in pre-k?
After calendar, we have circle time, which is a time to discuss the theme for the day. Our listening activity is a short story at circle time. Next is phonics where letters and sounds are introduced. After that, we have a healthy snack. Following snack is center time. Then the children go out to play for half an hour. When they come back in, it is time for math and then Bible.
Do pre-k children have special classes outside the classroom?
Yes, they have at least a half hour special every day. The children go to music twice per week, and P.E. twice per week. The students go to chapel and library once per week.
Does my child have to sleep at nap time?
No, but they have to lie down and rest for an hour. Most children eventually fall asleep.
What if my child does not like the snack?
Each child is responsible to bring a snack for the whole class for an assigned week, which usually is about twice a year. The snacks are to be healthy and not sweet snacks. The children may get a drink of water if they want. We encourage each child to at least taste the snack. That is the only snack provided for the day, so if the child does not want it, then he/she chooses to not eat until lunch. We do not provide a different snack.
Mrs. Kathleen Dobbs
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher<br>2018 SJCS Co-Teacher of the year
This FAQ was written by Mrs. Dobbs.